Quorum cigars are all handmade in one of the top cigar making countries, Nicaragua. You will find three different lines from Quorum, whilst they all use the exact same Nicaraguan blend they are each carefully wrapped in different wrappers, showing the massive impact a wrapper can have on a good cigar.
The Quorum Shade cigars are wrapped in a delicate Ecuador Connecticut Shade leaf, which is also grown in Ecuador, same as the Classic but the method used to grow this Ecuador Connecticut Shade leaf slightly differs to create a much lighter and delicate wrapper leaf.
These wrapper leaves are grown with with traditional shade covering method, which produces plants with features that are generally much lighter than those of the sun-grown plants, the leaf becomes thinner and much more delicate, with lighter colours and flavours. This creates a pleasant and easy going smoking experience with natural earthy flavours throughout.
- Strength: Medium
- Length: 3 1/2″
- Ring Gauge: 50
- Packaging: Single
- Origin: Nicaraguan
- Burn Time: 20-30
- Handmade
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